Welcome to Our New Website

We are happy to announce the launch of our new website & blog! Stay tuned for updates about our TransMongolia Overland as we plan to post new articles. Feel free to contact, share and ‘LIKE’ or Facebookpage as well as follow us on Twitter!

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Hi. We are come back from great show. Thank you all who visit our stand. We hope see you soon on Vampier 4×4 Show. Here you can watch few photos from show https://picasaweb.google.com/4x4zone.co.uk/ADVENTUREOVERLANDShow2012#

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Eastnor Land Rover Show

Just returned from a great event (Eastnor Land Rover Show). The weather was good. Many drivers had problem to leave show. Thank you to everyone who visited our stand. Welcome to another and of course to next yeas Vampire 4×4 Tour.

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Raffle tickets results

Remember the Free Raffle Tickets at the show? Today was the draw tickets. Here are winning numbers: – 1 prize – 50% off fee in Vampire 4×4 Tours – ticket 86 – 2 prize – 25% off fee in Vampire 4×4 Tours – ticket 34 – 3 prize – 10%…

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